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config =& load_class('Config', 'core');		log_message('debug', "URI Class Initialized");	}	//获取uri_string	function _fetch_uri_string()	{                //$this->config->item('uri_protocol')是获取config.php中uri_protocol的配置,AUTO为默认		if (strtoupper($this->config->item('uri_protocol')) == 'AUTO')		{			// 命令行方式执行			if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' or defined('STDIN'))			{				$this->_set_uri_string($this->_parse_cli_args());				return;			}			// REQUEST_URI方式,绝大部分情况都能获取			if ($uri = $this->_detect_uri())			{				$this->_set_uri_string($uri);				return;			}			// PATH_INFO方式			$path = (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : @getenv('PATH_INFO');			if (trim($path, '/') != '' && $path != "/".SELF)			{				$this->_set_uri_string($path);				return;			}			// QUERY_STRING方式			$path =  (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : @getenv('QUERY_STRING');			if (trim($path, '/') != '')			{				$this->_set_uri_string($path);				return;			}			// 尝试最后一种方式,通过$_GET获取键名			if (is_array($_GET) && count($_GET) == 1 && trim(key($_GET), '/') != '')			{				$this->_set_uri_string(key($_GET));				return;			}			// 如果还没获取到uri_string ,只能返回空了			$this->uri_string = '';			return;		}                //其实下面很多都是把上面的东西重写了,这是根据用户在config.php中配置的		$uri = strtoupper($this->config->item('uri_protocol'));                //若为REQUEST_URI方式		if ($uri == 'REQUEST_URI')		{			$this->_set_uri_string($this->_detect_uri());			return;		}		elseif ($uri == 'CLI')		{			$this->_set_uri_string($this->_parse_cli_args());			return;		}		$path = (isset($_SERVER[$uri])) ? $_SERVER[$uri] : @getenv($uri);		$this->_set_uri_string($path);	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//就是给uri_string赋值	function _set_uri_string($str)	{		// 防止在ASCII字符之间插入空字符,如Javascript.		$str = remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE);		// If the URI contains only a slash we'll kill it		$this->uri_string = ($str == '/') ? '' : $str;	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//检测URI	private function _detect_uri()	{                //$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']和$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']两者都存在才可使用		if ( ! isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) OR ! isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))		{			return '';		}		$uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];                //去掉相同的部分,剩下有用的uri部分		if (strpos($uri, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) === 0)		{			$uri = substr($uri, strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));		}		elseif (strpos($uri, dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) === 0)		{			$uri = substr($uri, strlen(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));		}		//允许?/welcome/index这种格式		if (strncmp($uri, '?/', 2) === 0)		{			$uri = substr($uri, 2);		}		$parts = preg_split('#?#i', $uri, 2);		$uri = $parts[0];		if (isset($parts[1]))		{			$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $parts[1];			parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);		}		else		{			$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = '';			$_GET = array();		}		if ($uri == '/' || empty($uri))		{			return '/';		}		$uri = parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH);		//做最后的处理返回uri		return str_replace(array('//', '../'), '/', trim($uri, '/'));	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//解析命令行方式参数	private function _parse_cli_args()	{		$args = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1);		return $args ? '/' . implode('/', $args) : '';	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//过滤不合法的url字符,允许的uri是你的配置$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_-';	function _filter_uri($str)	{		if ($str != '' && $this->config->item('permitted_uri_chars') != '' && $this->config->item('enable_query_strings') == FALSE)		{			if ( ! preg_match("|^[".str_replace(array('\-', '-'), '-', preg_quote($this->config->item('permitted_uri_chars'), '-'))."]+$|i", $str))			{				show_error('The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.', 400);			}		}		// Convert programatic characters to entities		$bad	= array('$',		'(',		')',		'%28',		'%29');		$good	= array('$',	'(',	')',	'(',	')');		return str_replace($bad, $good, $str);	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//如果你配置了url_suffix,则去掉	function _remove_url_suffix()	{		if  ($this->config->item('url_suffix') != "")		{			$this->uri_string = preg_replace("|".preg_quote($this->config->item('url_suffix'))."$|", "", $this->uri_string);		}	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//用/分隔uri_string,将结果保存到segments中	function _explode_segments()	{		foreach (explode("/", preg_replace("|/*(.+?)/*$|", "\1", $this->uri_string)) as $val)		{			// Filter segments for security			$val = trim($this->_filter_uri($val));			if ($val != '')			{				$this->segments[] = $val;			}		}	}	//这个是重建索引,将数组从下标1开始,这是为了你的使用习惯,如$this->uri->segment(1)就是获取第一段	function _reindex_segments()	{		array_unshift($this->segments, NULL);		array_unshift($this->rsegments, NULL);		unset($this->segments[0]);		unset($this->rsegments[0]);	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//获取uri中的一个片段	function segment($n, $no_result = FALSE)	{		return ( ! isset($this->segments[$n])) ? $no_result : $this->segments[$n];	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//返回确定路由后的一个uri片段	function rsegment($n, $no_result = FALSE)	{		return ( ! isset($this->rsegments[$n])) ? $no_result : $this->rsegments[$n];	}		function uri_to_assoc($n = 3, $default = array())	{		return $this->_uri_to_assoc($n, $default, 'segment');	}	function ruri_to_assoc($n = 3, $default = array())	{		return $this->_uri_to_assoc($n, $default, 'rsegment');	}	function _uri_to_assoc($n = 3, $default = array(), $which = 'segment')	{		if ($which == 'segment')		{			$total_segments = 'total_segments';			$segment_array = 'segment_array';		}		else		{			$total_segments = 'total_rsegments';			$segment_array = 'rsegment_array';		}		if ( ! is_numeric($n))		{			return $default;		}		if (isset($this->keyval[$n]))		{			return $this->keyval[$n];		}		if ($this->$total_segments() < $n)		{			if (count($default) == 0)			{				return array();			}			$retval = array();			foreach ($default as $val)			{				$retval[$val] = FALSE;			}			return $retval;		}		$segments = array_slice($this->$segment_array(), ($n - 1));		$i = 0;		$lastval = '';		$retval  = array();		foreach ($segments as $seg)		{			if ($i % 2)			{				$retval[$lastval] = $seg;			}			else			{				$retval[$seg] = FALSE;				$lastval = $seg;			}			$i++;		}		if (count($default) > 0)		{			foreach ($default as $val)			{				if ( ! array_key_exists($val, $retval))				{					$retval[$val] = FALSE;				}			}		}		// Cache the array for reuse		$this->keyval[$n] = $retval;		return $retval;	}	//很明显,它是将数组中的信息翻转成uri_string	function assoc_to_uri($array)	{		$temp = array();		foreach ((array)$array as $key => $val)		{			$temp[] = $key;			$temp[] = $val;		}		return implode('/', $temp);	}        //通过第二个参数看是否给uri前后加上“/”线	function slash_segment($n, $where = 'trailing')	{		return $this->_slash_segment($n, $where, 'segment');	}	function slash_rsegment($n, $where = 'trailing')	{		return $this->_slash_segment($n, $where, 'rsegment');	}	function _slash_segment($n, $where = 'trailing', $which = 'segment')	{		$leading	= '/';		$trailing	= '/';		if ($where == 'trailing')		{			$leading	= '';		}		elseif ($where == 'leading')		{			$trailing	= '';		}		return $leading.$this->$which($n).$trailing;	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------        //返回uri片段数组	function segment_array()	{		return $this->segments;	}	function rsegment_array()	{		return $this->rsegments;	}	//计算uri片段的个数	function total_segments()	{		return count($this->segments);	}	function total_rsegments()	{		return count($this->rsegments);	}	// --------------------------------------------------------------------	//返回uri_string	function uri_string()	{		return $this->uri_string;	}	function ruri_string()	{		return '/'.implode('/', $this->rsegment_array());	}}

