有时候我们需要在 Fancybox 渲染一个视图。
//add FancyBox files, either use widget or do manually. //have used widget for ease of explanation. Manually would be a 'lighter' approach $this->widget('application.modules.admin.extensions.fancybox.EFancyBox', array()); //create an ajax link which will call fancybox AFTER the ajax call completes echo CHtml::ajaxLink('NameOfLink',Yii::app()->createUrl('fancy'),array('type'=>'POST', 'update'=>'#preview', 'complete'=>'afterAjax')); ?> //add the div which will hold our ajax response <div style="display:none;"> <div id="preview"> div>div>
public function actionFancy(){ Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['*.js'] = false; $this->render('view',array('value'=>'data')); }
function afterAjax() { $.fancybox({ href : '#preview', scrolling : 'no', transitionIn : 'fade', transitionOut : 'fade', //check the fancybox api for additonal config to add here onClosed: function() { $('#preview').html(''); }, //empty the preview div }); }